Sunday, February 11, 2018

Post #4

The way one might view religion is the same way one might view magic.When you think of religion, you think of faith and trust. Faith in the Bible. Trust in God. But at the end of the day, its a belief system. Its a way to cope with the world and loses and explain what you cannot. Religion is the idea of something greater. It is a way to believe in more and think that there is something after this lifetime because we do not know how to think of a world without ourselves or loved ones in it.
When you think of magic, you think of faeries and Santa Clause. But is magic any different than religion? Its the faith that there is more to the world than just what we see. Its trusting in something that can not be understood. Jesus made water into wine, is that not a form of magic? Its the idea that there is something greater. It is a belief system.
So while some go to church on Sunday mornings, I take my time to get up and fix myself some french toast. While some read the Bible to feel a better understanding of life, I go for a nature walk. Just because I am not banging down the doors to the Pope's office, does not mean I don't believe in something. I believe that everyone has their own form of magic in them. And no that doesn't mean we can fly or talk to animals, but maybe you can always switch back to the show you were watching right as the commercials end. Maybe you just make coffee better than anyone else. Maybe your magic is listening and understanding. It's these small things that we don't even realize we are doing until someone else points them out. The magic of Jesus is that he turned water into wine and the magic of my Dad is he makes the best chocolate chip pancakes in the world.
Because just like in the Bible, we can believe in being kind, in turning our cheeks to hatred, in loving all, without believing in one higher being. I don't think I believe in a god but I do believe in being a good person. I believe in energy. I believe that surrounding myself in nature makes me have a better understanding of this world I am in. But I will say, it is important to believe in something. Without something to help you understand the world we live in, whether it be religion, science, or magic. Believing in something, anything that you can hold down and makes you feel better about living life, then believe and never stop.

the ending lines


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Post #3

We see colors everyday. From a young age we are told the sky is blue and grass is green. When we go more in depth though, we realize its not that simple. Sure the sky is blue, but the sky is also yellow at sunrise and pink at sunset. The grass is green, but look up a different type of grass and it is more of a shade of turquoise. Colors are not as simple as they seem. So when you say you love the color of the sky, what color are you talking about? Are you talking about the darkness that comes with midnight, the yellow and orange hues that bring the sunrise, the baby blue tones throughout mid day, the pink and purple cotton candy skies of sunset, or the deep tones that begin as the sun fades away to bring back the color of midnight? When you say the grass is green, which shade of green do you refer to? Is the color more of a blue green, a hunter green, a deep olive tone, a brighter yellow green? There are so many shades and tones to just one description. When we look at people, we are not just white or black, every person has different colors to them. One person might have a cool undertone full of blues while someone else has a warm yellow undertone. Some people have more red to their faces and even more so when they blush. The descriptions of colors are more than just the basic general colors we refer to. What color combination created that blade of grass? How can I recreate the colors that surround me when they are not as they seem? Colors are not as simple as blue and green and purple. They have tones and saturation. Life is not as simple as yes and no and white and black. Life has tones and saturation and difficulties not every one can see as well. We can not categorize the world by colors when colors themselves have so much variety to them. It is impossible to say that one color is correct and another is not when the lines between colors can be blurred and changed just by a fraction of a difference in one part. It is impossible to say that one race is correct and another is not when so many people come from so many different places. It is okay to be from a European country but not from Southern America or Africa apparently. How do we compare colors when they are all unique and beautiful in their own ways? How do we compare people when they are all unique and beautiful in their own and different ways?

The lyrics and emotion in this song particularly
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Progress of The Table Cloth

Materials: ink on paper "Galileo had already asserted that only those properties of matter that are directly mean amenable to mathem...